February 25th, 2020
Quincy Data Named 2020 Best Overall Market Data Provider at TradingTech Insight Awards
Extreme low latency market data service is powered by McKay Brothers Microwave

Oakland, California. 26 February 2020 – Quincy Data was named “Best Overall Market Data Provider” at the 2020 TradingTech Insight Awards – Europe ceremony last night in London.
Stephane Tyc, co-founder of Quincy Data: “We are delighted to be recognized as the Best Overall Market Data Provider by A-Team Insight. Financial firms are seeing greater value from low latency market data on their risk management practices and P&L. Low latency market data is now used across the spectrum of banks and hedge funds that trade electronically.”
Quincy Data is the industry-leading distributor of extremely low latency market data, utilizing the microwave networks of its sister company McKay Brothers. Together, they are leveling the playing field for access to the most up to date market data. Quincy Data distributes more market data from key exchanges globally than any wireless market data provider. The company offers discounts to small and emerging firms, short-term contracts and a dedicated client service team.
During 2019, Quincy Data significantly improved its normalized market data feed, the Quincy Extreme Data (QED) service, by making numerous changes to lower its latency further. The company has plans to again reduce QED’s latency to ensure it will remain the lowest latency service. Quincy began to redistribute QED in Hong Kong, Dubai and Mumbai in 2019, in addition to existing locations in the US, Europe and Asia.
Last year, Quincy launched the Quincy Raw Data (QRD) service distributing US equity market data in the native exchange formats from the three largest exchange groups on the New Jersey Equity Triangle. The QRD service distributes the raw equity market feeds from one exchange at the data centers of the other two at the lowest latency. The Quincy Protected Data (QPD) service offers the same exchange data feeds as QRD, combining the lowest latency wireless with fiber to ensure reliability. McKay Brothers offers private bandwidth on these routes. The company expects to offer similar services on its Illinois metro route soon.
Bob Meade, co-founder of Quincy Data: “It’s an honor to be acknowledged as the Best Overall Market Data Provider. We are still hard at work to squeeze every bit of latency from our service. And we’ll continue to work with our clients to provide the most important market data at the trading centers that matter the most to them.”

About Quincy Data, LLC
Quincy Data distributes more wireless financial market data globally than any provider. The Quincy Extreme Data service is an integrated and normalized feed of select market data sourced from financial exchanges globally and delivered at extremely low latency to twenty-one major trading centers in the US, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. The Quincy Raw Data and Quincy Protected Data services offer equity data feeds in the native exchange format on the New Jersey Equity Triangle. QRD is the lowest latency market data service for the three largest US equity exchanges. QPD is faster, cheaper and more reliable than incumbent services. Learn more at www.quincy-data.com
Media Relations: contact@quincy-data.com
About McKay Brothers, LLC
McKay Brothers is the acknowledged leader in providing low latency wireless networks for firms trading in financial markets. Many of the world’s most sophisticated trading operations utilize the low latency microwave networks that McKay designs, engineers, builds and operates. McKay’s global wireless footprint is unrivaled by any provider serving the electronic trading community. McKay opened long-haul microwave networks in the US in 2012, Europe in 2014, and Asia in 2016. The company operates metro networks between key financial exchanges in Illinois, New Jersey and the UK. Learn more at: www.mckay-brothers.com
Media Relations: contact@mckay-brothers.com