Press Releases

October 19, 2017

McKay Brothers Receives Additional Minority Investments

19 October 2017 – OAKLAND, CA, GENEVA & PARIS — McKay Brothers, a market leader in low latency networks, today announces agreements with Susquehanna International Group, LLP and XR Trading that will support the continued growth of McKay’s successful private bandwidth and market data businesses.   Under the terms of the agreements, McKay’s founders will continue to control the McKay companies, holding over 70% of the equity. Susquehanna and XR join IMC and Tower Research […]
September 25, 2017

McKay Brothers to Connect London with Milan and Zurich at Lowest Known Latency

Microwave network provider expands European services September 25, 2017 / Milan, Italy and Zurich, Switzerland / McKay Brothers International (MBI) will connect UK data centers Slough-LD4 and Basildon with trading hubs in Milan and Zurich at lowest known latencies.  The company expects its new private bandwidth service between the UK and Milan’s I.Net data center to go live in mid-October. The private bandwidth service between the UK and Zurich is expected to be live in […]
September 8, 2017

Key Metals Futures Added to McKay Brothers’ Quincy Extreme Data Service

Select UK-sourced metals futures at the lowest known latencies   September 8, 2017 / London, UK & Geneva, Switzerland / McKay Brothers International has added select futures from the London Metal Exchange to its industry-leading Quincy Extreme Data (QED) service. QED now offers select LME instruments at the lowest known latency at Slough-LD4 and Basildon in the UK, as well as at Frankfurt-FR2, Marseille-MRS1 and Madrid-BME. The LME data distributed at those POPs are 3-month […]
May 5, 2017

McKay Brothers Expands European Bandwidth Services

Bi-directional bandwidth service between Basildon and Madrid in <18.01 ms – the lowest known latency 5 May 2017 – Geneva – McKay Brothers International (MBI) has announced an expansion of its market leading low latency private bandwidth services between the UK and continental Europe. McKay now offers bi-directional private bandwidth service between Basildon and Madrid in less than 18.01 milliseconds round trip, the lowest known latency. “Madrid is an important financial marketplace in Europe,” says […]
February 15, 2017

McKay Brothers Distributes Osaka Securities Exchange Data in Singapore at Lowest Known Latency

February 16, 2017 / Tokyo and Singapore / McKay Brothers International (MBI) is now distributing Osaka Securities Exchange market data on its Quincy Extreme Data (QED) service. Select OSE futures are distributed at the SGX data center in Singapore in less than 31.5 milliseconds one-way, the lowest known latency. Private bandwidth at the lowest known latency between the SGX and @Tokyo (CC2) data centers is also available from MBI. “The QED service levels the playing […]
February 8, 2017

McKay Brothers Receives Investment from Tower Research Capital

8 February 2017 – OAKLAND, GENEVA & PARIS — McKay Brothers, a market leader in low latency networks, has closed an investment from affiliates of Tower Research Capital LLC for five percent of McKay equity.  Together, with the previously announced investment from IMC affiliates for twenty percent of equity, McKay has concluded its initial round of outside equity funding.  The investments allow McKay to accelerate its ongoing effort to drive down network latency between financial […]
November 15, 2016

McKay Brothers Slashes Latency Between Tokyo and Singapore

Microwave provider extends into Asia at the lowest known latency. November 15, 2016 / Tokyo / McKay Brothers International (MBI) is now live with its first Asia route, offering private bandwidth at the lowest known latency between Tokyo and Singapore. The route between the @Tokyo (CC2) and SGX data centers delivers data less than 63 milliseconds round trip. MBI will also offer Asia-sourced market data on its Quincy Extreme Data (QED) service utilizing its hybrid […]
October 6, 2016

McKay Brothers Lowers Latency on Carteret-NY2 Link

As low as 182 microseconds round trip is lowest known latency on key leg of US Treasury Triangle October 6, 2016 / Oakland, CA / McKay Brothers has announced a latency reduction in its industry-leading millimeter wave link between Carteret and Secaucus-NY2.   Latency between Secaucus-NY2 and Carteret is now as low as 182 microseconds round trip. The improved performance is the result of McKay’s ongoing effort to eliminate excess latency through route improvements, data center […]
September 13, 2016

Transatlantic Latency Slashed For Quincy Extreme Data Service

Lowest latency for transatlantic market data service September 13, 2016 / London / McKay Brothers International (MBI) has reduced transatlantic latency on its Quincy Extreme Data (QED) service to the lowest available for financial market data services. QED’s new transatlantic fiber capability combined with McKay’s extremely low latency microwave on land in the US and across Europe sets a new speed benchmark for market data services. The improvement in transatlantic latency extends a long history […]
September 1, 2016

McKay Brothers Receives Investment from IMC

1 September 2016 – OAKLAND, GENEVA & PARIS — McKay Brothers, a market leader in low latency networks, today announces an agreement with IMC, the technology-driven trading firm, that will support the continued growth of McKay’s successful network business. Under the terms of the agreement IMC will take a minority stake in McKay, providing capital for the further improvement of McKay’s networks serving the latency sensitive trading community. Financial terms of the agreement were not […]