Media Timeline

February 10, 2012

Wall Street gains an edge by trading over microwaves

Wall Street gains an edge by trading over microwaves GigaOM Wall Street gains an edge by trading over microwaves KEVIN FITCHARD FEB 10, 2012 – 10:42 AM CST McKay Brothers, a firm that sells high capacity links to trading firms, is connecting the financial districts of New York City and Chicago with a new network that aims to execute the fastest trades in the country. This new network, however, won’t be built on private fiber lines. […]
February 9, 2012

Aviat Networks’ Ultra Low-Latency Microwave Accelerates High-Frequency Trading

Aviat Networks’ Ultra Low-Latency Microwave Accelerates High-Frequency Trading Aviat Networks Press Release SANTA CLARA, Calif., Feb. 9, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Aviat Networks, Inc. (NASDAQ: AVNW), a leading expert in microwave networking solutions, announced today that it has reached an agreement with McKay Brothers, LLC, a leading provider of low-latency private carrier services to High-Frequency Trading (HFT) firms, to deliver low-latency wireless transport equipment and services for McKay Brothers’ microwave network connecting Chicago and New York City financial centers. The Aviat Networks solution is based on the […]